Need access to talent now, but unsure about the future? We offer both neutral vendor managed service programs where we select and manage your contingent labour providers and models where we also directly source contingent labour on your behalf.
Let CQ Search Group streamline the sourcing, management, and on-boarding/off-boarding of Temps, Contractors, and Consultants – saving you time and money, maximizing process efficiency and minimizing risks for your organization.

Benefits of Contingent Workforce Solutions:
- Respond quickly to change – scale up or down as needed
- Lowered cost and shared risk – decreased benefit and retirement costs
- Be more competitive – on-demand access to professionals and experts
- System-wide savings – economies of scale reduce cost
- Centralization – global account management and vendor management
Our Clients
CQ Search have 150 years of experience, we are fortunate and its been a pleasure working with outstanding corporations who have trusted and benefited from the Human Resources and Recruitment skills we have to offer.